Your Parish Councillors

See below for each councillor’s specific area of responsibility and roughly where they live in the village.

Ian Barnes [Chairman] - Crowe Hill

Lead councillor on roads and traffic including implementation of the Woods Hill Experimental Traffic Regulation Order. Liaison with Wiltshire County Council on roads.

Francis Firmstone [Vice Chair & Planning] - Crowe Hill

Advises councillors on planning applications and policy overview.

Lucy Poloniecka - Lower Stoke (by River Bridge)

Delegate on Valley Parishes Alliance. Lower Stoke ‘champion’. Looking at speed limit reduction and pedestrian safety issues.

Elaine Curtin - Middle Stoke

Community issues. Middle Stoke ‘champion’.

Mandy Majendie - Middle Stoke

Parish Council website and email communications.

Nicky Boulton - Church Lane

Supports councillors for Environment and Ecology. The Parish Council’s FliSCA representative.

Sara-Jane Socha - Midford Lane

Upper Limpley Stoke ‘champion’. Planning and environmental impact. General management of King George V play park.

Jane Darling - Lower Stoke

Lower Limpley Stoke ‘champion’.

Notice Of Vacancy In Office Of Councillor

Supporting Roles:

Non-councillors who support the work of the Parish.


Parish Clerk & Finance Officer:

Bryony Kohn - Bradford-on-Avon

Telephone number for all Parish Council business - 01225 865417

Roles & Responsibilities

What are we responsible for and what is Wiltshire County Council (WCC) responsible for?


There are 9,000 Parish Councils in England and over 80,000 volunteers serve their communities as councillors on them.

Our Parish Council consists of up to 9 local people who are elected or co-opted onto the Council. We are all volunteers and our role is to, to the best of our ability, maintain and improve our local services and environment. We do this both directly though money raised by the annual precept and indirectly through our influence with Wiltshire County Council (WCC) and any other local administrative units. The play park, war memorial, footpaths, road signage and planning applications are all areas of parish council responsibility.

WCC is responsible for providing and maintaining education, social care, transport, fire and public safety, highway maintenance, recycling & waste collection, Council tax collection and has the final say in housing and planning decisions.

We aim to represent the views of the village residents and welcome any questions, opinions or concerns from them. If you have an issue you’d like to discuss, volunteer or get involved in any way, please do contact us via email here or attend one of our public meetings.

Council Meetings and Open Forum


Council meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month, with the exception of August.  The first 20 minutes of each meeting is held for Open Forum.  

Anyone may attend the Open Forum, however if you wish to speak about a particular topic please contact the Parish Clerk in advance to ensure we have enough time for you to speak.